General World News

Home-equity niche will benefit from a private-label lift

The demand for home-equity loans, particularly home-equity lines of credit (HELOCs) as well as shared-equity investment products, is now stronger than at any time since before the global financial crisis some 15 years ago.

Securitization channels for those home-equity products, however, are only now starting to catch up to the growing demand for them. Homeowners collectively nationwide now have more than $10 trillion in tappable equity (equity beyond a 20% cushion) tied up in their properties, according to the Black Knight Mortgage Monitor. Those securitization outlets for home-equity products are critical to ensuring liquidity for ongoing operations.

“Securitization of HELOCs had been a details ⇒

BusinessMediaguide.Com portal received this content from this noted web source: HousingWire.Com