General World News

Fannie Mae is out with 7th CAS offering

Less than a month after announcing its sixth Connecticut Avenue Series (CAS) credit-risk transfer deal of 2022, Fannie Mae is unveiling its seventh CAS transaction of the year — an $866 million note offering backed by a reference pool of single-family mortgages valued at $30.6 billion.

Earlier this month, Fannie Mae launched its a sixth CAS credit-risk transfer (CRT) deal this year, CAS 2022-R06, which involved a $754.4 million note offering backed by a reference pool of 83,420 single-family mortgages valued at $25 billion. 

The latest $866 million note offering, CAS 2022-R07, involves a reference pool of 101,170 single-family mortgage loans, according to details ⇒

BusinessMediaguide.Com portal received this content from this noted web source: HousingWire.Com