General World News

'Lonely Luke' And 'Emo Kylo Ren' Are The Greatest 'Star Wars' Parodies On Twitter

WARNING: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” spoilers below!

Until now, we had to make do with the likes of Depressed Darth and Yoda to sate our desire for “Star Wars” character parodies on Twitter. But lucky for us, “The Force Awakens” has drummed up two new joke accounts that are rapidly gaining followers: “Emo Kylo Ren” and “Very Lonely Luke.”

By the end of J.J. Abrams’ installment in the intergalactic epic, we’re acquainted with Adam Driver as Kylo Ren — aka Ben Solo, aka the son of Leia (Carrie Fisher) and Han Solo (Harrison read more >>>

Source : HuffingtonPost.Com