General World News

Opinion: Two legal issues relevant to FHFA’s review of FHLB system

On Aug. 31, 2022, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced that it would conduct a comprehensive review of the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) system. This article addresses two legal issues relevant to the review:

  • FHFA’s statutory authority to reduce the number of Federal Home Loan Banks, and
  • The application of the FHLBank statutory “super lien”

FHFA’s authority to reduce the number of federal home loan banks

The Federal Home Loan Bank Act establishes a maximum number of 12 Federal Home Loan Bank districts and an expectation that there should be no fewer than eight districts. There are nuances to a reduction details ⇒

BusinessMediaguide.Com portal received this content from this noted web source: HousingWire.Com