General World News

The incredible rise of the $4 trillion equity index fund business in 1 chart (DIA, SPX, SPY, QQQ, TLT, IWM)

January 4 COTD 2016

Stop me if you’ve heard this before: investing in broad, low-cost index funds is the best way to save for retirement.

In the wake of the tech bubble — which saw a lot of average-people-turned-stock-traders lose everything — and the housing bubble — which saw average-people-turned-real-estate-professionals lose everything — a vocal part of the financial services community has espoused the virtues of index funds like those offered by Vanguard as the best, most responsible way to save for retirement.

Vanguard’s S&P 500 fund, for example, charges investors just 0.05% per year — or $50 for $10,000 invested — to read more >>>

Source : BusinessInsider.Com