General World News

The MSR sector continues to shine, but there is a looming concern


The mortgage-servicing rights market just keeps on ticking even as the overall housing market takes a licking. And while depository banks that are fueling that growth, concern is mounting over Ginnie Mae MSRs held by nonbanks.

Mortgage advisory firms Prestwick Mortgage Group and partner Mortgage Capital Trading (MCT); Incenter Mortgage Advisors; and MIAC Analytics are out with a total of 10 bulk mortgage-servicing rights (MSR) offerings with bid-due dates in October. The 10 offerings together involve Fannie MaeFreddie Mac and Ginnie Mae loan pools valued collectively at $12.77 billion. 

MIAC is handling one of those details ⇒

BusinessMediaguide.Com portal received this content from this noted web source: HousingWire.Com